Admission "2023 - 2024"

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Education is part of the foundation of all progress and growth, both as an individual and as a society.

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Welcome to

Godavari Innovative Training Institute

Welcome to Godavari Innovative Training Institute , an esteemed institution , dedicated to providing top-quality, industry-specific short duration courses tailored for the automotive industry. Our commitment lies in serving both Local authorities and industries, catering to their unique skill development needs. With a proactive and professional approach, we ensure that our courses are always up-to-date, incorporating the latest developments in the automotive sector. This way, we equip our students with the most relevant and cutting-edge skills.
With our comprehensive range of courses, experienced trainers, and strong affiliations, Godavari Innovative Training Institute is your gateway to a brighter future in the automotive sector. Join us on this journey of skill development and empowerment, and together, let's shape a better tomorrow for the automotive industry and the nation.


Contact Info

Beside Nutan School, Near Manokamna Hanuman Mandir,
Yadav Mohalla, Tikrapara Raipur, Chattisgarh-493890

  • +91 80774 52142
  • godavari1innovationtc@gmail.Com

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Education helps us get exposure to new ideas and concepts that we can use to appreciate and improve the world around us and the world within us.

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